
Google Cloud Storage Client Library


從 Larry 創業以及商業的經驗,希望以白話的口吻,介紹給大家這個商業的世界。

FB粉專會頻繁地更新 Larry 對於商業、社會、人生的觀察與心得,歡迎大家追蹤互動~


The sample almost demonstrates everything for authenticated users (who need to have google accounts.) The actions include read, write, modify access control, etc. One problem is that it doesn't have progress, and currently I can't find any way to get that information.

The sample utilizes Google API (JavaScript gapi.* functions.) 

The API reference webpage:


The sample is like a tool in the local development environment. It also needs user authentications (w/ Google account.) As far as a local development tool is concerned, it's simpler. But it should have less opportunity to become web applications,

The sample utilizes third-party python libraries.


The sample is python code executed in the server side with “get” method. It works well in the server side and doesn't need any authentication, which is reasonable because it is executed in the server side and the App Engine project natively has the authentication to read/write its Cloud Storage.

The sample doesn't have progress either. The use case should be read/write text files to Cloud Storage (the server code hangs in reading/writing Blob files.)


從 Larry 創業以及商業的經驗,希望以白話的口吻,介紹給大家這個商業的世界。

FB粉專會頻繁地更新 Larry 對於商業、社會、人生的觀察與心得,歡迎大家追蹤互動~