這是我的 FB粉專 與 IG,我也常使用 Threads,歡迎大家追蹤互動~
Core Improvements
- OgreMain
- Extract the overlays from OgreMain and transform it into a own overlay component
- Progressive Mesh improvements and new Mesh LOD sample.
- Loads of documentation updates
- Added Mesh::mergeAdjacentTexcoords to collapse two adjacent texcoords into one (i.e. float2 texcoord0 & float2 texcoord1 become float4 texcoord0)
- According to the documentation, the default SceneManager ambient light should be black, which is wasn't though.
- SceneManager: updateSceneGraph should happen BEFORE prepareShadowTextures.
- AtomicScalar operators should be returning their value. Only affects using GCC or Clang.
- New class ProgressiveMeshGenerator to degenerate mesh detail at runtime.
- Bug fix for Sphere::merge. Inaccurate results can occur if one sphere does not fully encompass the other.
- New LOD strategies ‘distance_box’ and ‘screen_ratio_pixel_count’. Details, see Ogre Manual.
- SharedPtr moved to use atomics (related API change see below in the porting notes).
- SubMesh has a new method: clone(const String& newName, Mesh *parentMesh) to perform deep copies of SubMesh objects. The second parameter is optional and can be used to reparent a SubMesh.
- Removed Configfile::load(const String& filename, const String& resourceGroup, const String& separators, bool trimWhitespace) because it can easily be ambiguous. If you wish to load from a resource group, use the existing function loadFromResourceSystem. The arguments are identical to the removed function. See OGRE-175.
- New Volume Rendering component with LOD. See GSoC 2012 Volume Rendering
- Many Terrain improvements.See GSoC 2012 Terrain Improvements
- Changed error handling of RTSS sub-render state parameter creation. Sub-render state now throws exception on errors
- Added 2 new demo samples: multiple lights and textured fog
- CgProgramManager
- Added support for high-level output profiles glslv/glslf/glslg and hlslv/hlslf (glslg not fully working yet)
Platform Support
- Android Port
- Remove eclipse based android port
- CMake based build support
- Create find Ant / NDK packages (currently Ant and the NDK must be in the global path)
- Generate android make files for the sample browser
- Use android tool chain to compile OGRE as static lib
- Cleanup RTSS (Remove OgreStringSerialiser)
- Improve platform integration
- Add Android log listener into OgreRoot
- Disable Filesystem- / Zip- / EmbeddedZip- Archives on android
- Resource system improvements
- OgreAPKFileSystemArchive to handle file access inside the APK
- OgreAPKZipArchive so we can handle zip files inside the APK (APK is also compressed using zip)
- Improve EGL support
- Create concrete subclasses of EGL-Support/Window/Context
- Handle context creation / configs inside OGRE
- Resource recreation / Handle it like DX device lost / restore
- Add managed resource class which every resource derive from (only active on Android – handled via macros)
- Recreation of Texture, Shader, HardwareVertexBuffer
- ETC1 texture codec
- PKM support
- Sample browser
- Add touch input support
- Build a APK file via CMake command line
- Add rotation support
- Fix / Enable more samples
- Compositor not working
- Improve CPU/ vendor detection
- Add how to build it on Linux / OSX / Win32
- Provide pre-compiled dependencies
- Fix our dependencies so the can compile against the android tool chain
- Windows Metro style application (WinRT)
- Add support as a new platform (named WinRT).
- Create a WinRT project for the sample browser.
- Create a how to compile file.
- Get all existing samples to work with the D3D11 render system.
- Multi monitordevice support.
- Windows Phone 8 port.
- OS X
- Add a helper function to get a sandbox friendly temp file name for iOS and OS X.
- Other fixes to file handling in response to App Store rules.
- Support for building with libc++ on OS X.
- Proper example of DisplayLink usage in the SampleBrowser.
- Plugins and components are now built as frameworks.
- Add escape key as a shortcut for Cancel. Fix crash when hitting cancel as well.
- DirectX 11
- Improvements from GSoC project.
- Add tessellation shaders support.
- Add tessellation sample.
- Add dynamic linking support.
- DirectX 9Ex support
- Added OpenGL 3+ RenderSystem. Still marked as experimental and under heavy development.
- OpenGL ES
- GLES 2 terrain support.
- OpenGL ES state and uniform caches.
- Rewrote PVRTC codec, adding cube map, 3D and mipmap support. Only files created with PVRTexTool are supported now, not Apple's texturetool utility.
- Experimental OpenGL ES 3.0 support.
- GL RenderSystem
- GLEW updated to 1.9.0.
- Remove restriction that all GLSL programs have the same matrix order when linking.